These beauties have become more like family, in some ways, then clients. We are definitely in the friend zone and I am so blessed to know them. Nikki & Raheem are kind, compassionate and generous and a blast to be around. I took them to one of my favorite spots down by the chattahoochie river for their maternity pictures and then once baby boy arrive, we did a photoshoot in their cozy home in Suwanee Georgia. I love my newborn studio, but every once in awhile it’s fun to take a session on location. Using a client’s beautiful home adds a certain charm to the images that you cannot duplicate in the studio.
These family pictures are so of my favorites! I mean…look at these beautiful children…how could I possibly mess this up?
I adore little sister’s heart that her hair makes! <3
Just one image to celebrate daddy’s passion & job….Atlanta Falcon’s football!
kissy kissy little man. Don’t grow up too quickly!
Atlanta Falcon’s Newborn Baby photographer, Atlanta Falcon’s family photographer, Gwinnett County Newborn Photographer. Sugarloaf country club baby photographer.